Jim runs, jumps and does the usual kind of stuff that goes with the platform-game-hero gig. The gameplay mechanics are obviously the kind of thing you'd expect from a game of this nature. All this stuff is mixed with The Bovine Special Elite, which are psychotic, gun-toting cows (obviously), Disco Zombies-which kind of speak for themselves and weirdness like baked-bean lava flows, supermarket shelves full of corn flakes and toxic fairgrounds. Hence we find characters and situations from the previous 2D games, such as Psycrow, Evil the Cat, Professor Monkey-For-A-Head and Number 4. There's stuff he loves, stuff he hates and stuff he's always wanted to do mixed up with lots of things from his memory.

To do this he must wander through "themed" bits of his dreaminess, and each of the themes deals with certain psychological, um.thingies. Completely unconscious, but trapped within a world of his own weird fantasies, Jim will have to explore the 3D platform-like recesses of his mind in order to try to fix his brain. Apparently, a severe blow to Jim's head has sent him completely barking mad, and he now finds himself trapped within the confines of his own psyche. So what's in store? Well, immediate assumptions can be made from the title this one's in 3D.thanks to a fortunate arrival at the third installment in the series coninciding with the necessity for all N64 games to be in 3D.Īs ever, the underlying concept is a bit on the wacky side.

We say "final" (because Interplay is asserting the fact), but chances are that if this one is successful we'll probably see at least a few more. Thanks to Scottish developer Vis Interactive though, a "final" episode is set for release before the end of the year. Although not in the ranks of the Marios and Sonics of this world, he's certainly a number of steps above the Jersey Devil, Spyros, Bubsys and Aero the Acro-Bat (remember him?).Īfter selling some serious numbers on the 16-Bit systems, it was long thought that due to the lengthy hiatus, Jim was gone forever. Earthworm Jim has always been one of those characters who is surprisingly a lot more popular than you'd expect.